Invited Talks
- “Open Cryptanalysis Platform (OCP) - A New Collaborative Effort for Automated Cryptanalysis”
at SKCAM 2025, Roma, Italy, March 15th 2025
“Automated Analysis for Pushing Performance Limits in Symmetric-Key Cryptography”
at 7th Huawei Forum on Trust and Privacy for the Future Digital World, Singapore, Singapore, November 29th 2024 -
“Automated Analysis for Pushing Performance Limits in Symmetric-Key Cryptography”
at IWSEC 2024, Kyoto, Japan, September 17th 2024
- “Lightweight Cryptography”
at CASA Distinguished Lectures, Virtual, February 24th 2022
- “Inserting Backdoors in Tweakable Block Ciphers”
at TII CRC Seminar, Virtual, May 28th 2021
“Tweakable Block Cipher-Based Cryptography”
at ICISC 2020, Virtual, December 3rd 2020 -
“Tweakable Block Cipher-Based Cryptography”
at FSE 2020, Virtual, November 12th 2020
“SHA-1: Beating a Dead Horse”
at ASK 2019, Kobe, Japan, December 13th 2019 -
“Tweakable Block Cipher Based Lightweight Cryptography”
at Lightweight Crypto Day 2019, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 31st 2019
“From Collisions to Chosen-Prefix Collisions: Application to Full SHA-1”
at KANGACRYPT 2018, Adelaide, Australia, December 7th 2018 -
“Lightweight Symmetric-Key Cryptography”
at CTCRYPT 2018, Suzdal, Russia, May 29th 2018
- “Lightweight Cryptography”
at Singapore Mathematics Symposium 2017, Singapore, Singapore, September 29th 2017
“The Skinny family of Tweakable Block Ciphers”
at ASK 2016, Nagoya, Japan, September 30th 2016 -
at DIAC 2016, Nagoya, Japan, September 27th 2016 -
“Key Schedule in (Lightweight) Symmetric-Key Cryptography”
at TCCM-CACR 2016, Yinchuan, China, August 31th 2016
“Free-start collision on full SHA-1””
at Huawei Security Research Workshop 2015, Singapore, December 17th 2015 -
“Deoxys and Joltik”
at DIAC 2015, Singapore, September 28th 2015 -
“Cryptanalysis of JAMBU”
at ESC 2015, Clervaux, Luxembourg, January 16th 2015
“TWEAKEY Schedules and Application to Authenticated Encryption”
at ASK 2014, Chennai, India, December 19th 2014 -
at DIAC 2014, Santa-Barbara, USA, August 23th 2014
“Cryptanalysis of RIPEMD-128/160”
at CHINACRYPT 2013, Fuzhou, China, October 25th 2013 -
“Structural Evaluation of AES and Chosen-Key Distinguisher of 9-round AES-128”
at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 23th 2013 -
“Cryptanalysis of RIPEMD-128”
at ASK 2013, Weihai, China, August 29th 2013
“Generic Related-key Attacks for HMAC”
at TCCM-CACR 2012, Chengdu, China, November 24th 2012 -
“Generic Related-key Attacks for HMAC”
at SPACE 2012, Chennai, India, November 2nd 2012 -
“Cryptanalysis of ARMADILLO2”
at ASK 2012, Nagoya, Japan, August 29th 2012 -
“Symmetric-Key Cryptography”
at Workshop on Mathematics for Defence, Singapore, April 13rd 2012 -
“Recent Advances on Lightweight Cryptography Designs”
at Séminaire de cryptographie de l’Université de Rennes, Rennes, France, February 3rd 2012
“Recent Advances on Lightweight Cryptography Designs”
at ICISC 2011, Seoul, South Korea, November 30th 2011 -
“Unaligned Rebound Attack for Keccak”
at ASK 2011, Singapore, August 31st 2011 -
“Unaligned Rebound Attack for Keccak”
at Microsoft Workshop on Symmetric Cryptanalysis, Redmond, USA, August 8th 2011 -
“The PHOTON Family of Lightweight Hash Functions”
at Coding, Cryptology and Combinatorial Designs, Singapore, May 15th 2011
“State-of-the-art of Hash Functions”
at WAC 2010, Singapore, December 3rd 2010 -
“The ECHO hash function”
at The Second SHA-3 Candidate Conference, Santa-Barbara, USA, August 24th 2010
“Cryptanalysis of stream-based hashes”
at ECRYPT II Hash3: Proofs, Analysis and Implementation, Tenerife, Spain, November 17th 2009 -
“Les fonctions de hachage, un domaine à la mode”
at JSSI 2009, Paris, France, March 17th 2009 -
“SHA-3 Proposal: ECHO”
at The First SHA-3 Candidate Conference, Leuven, Belgium, February 25th 2009
“Cryptanalyse des fonctions éponges”
at Séminaire de cryptographie de l’Université de Rennes, Rennes, France, November 21st 2008 -
“Cryptanalyse des fonctions éponges”
at Séminaire de cryptographie de l’Université de Caen, Caen, France, November 20th 2008 -
“Security Analysis of Extended Sponge Functions”
at ECRYPT Hash Workshop, Leiden, The Netherlands, June 4th 2008
“Collisions on SHA-0 in One Hour”
at IPA Cryptography Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, December 13rd 2007 -
“Cryptanalysis of Grindahl”
at IPA Cryptography Forum, Tokyo, Japan, December 12nd 2007